V3.06.665 - November 2015

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V3.06.665 - November 2015

New Features

The routing tool within t3 has been redeveloped to make building and timing routes easier. It has been modelled on our full routing application to allow dragging and dropping of points and passengers between routes.

Customer letters and travel documents from a tour are now available to be emailed.

In addition to this a new email template maintenance area has been implemented under Maintain --> Utilities --> Edit Email Templates. Templates can be created using an inbuilt HTML editor for better styled body text, also allowing tags to be used to bring personal information into the email. A full list of available tags can be found here: t3 email maintenance

Customer facing emails can also have additional attachments added.

Re-print reports from the tour reports drop down menu and replaced with a new Document Archive. Accommodation, customer details, flight manifest, passenger lists, pick-up lists and late booking reports will be stored here to be available for reprint.

Home pick-ups and drop off can now use different addresses.

Unseated passengers can now be saved without selecting a pick-up point.

A new date of transfer has been added to be displayed within the booking. Displays transferred date (if present) after the booked by details.

Adding a note on a booking now has an ‘Apply to All’ button so the same note can be added to all bookings on the tour.

Vouchers - Changed to incorporate a Purchaser client details section.

An additional setting has added to allow phone number, mobile number and email address to be mandatory fields when making a booking. These can be configured independently of each other.


Improving the user experience

A new customer searcher has replaced the older windows used when looking up clients from the mail list when making bookings, vouchers, sundries etc.

An additional filter has been added to the tour finder to show cancelled tours only.

Services tab has been added to the tour finder window.

Batch confirmations window shows if a booking has insurance.

Batch printing insurance vouchers.  If insurance is removed from a booking it is also removed from the batch print queue.

Edit supplier can be accessed from within a tour by right-clicking in the accommodation window and clicking the edit button.



Fix to agent statements summary for the current, 30 60, 90, 90+ breakdown.