v4.2.9 - 14th April 2014


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v4.2.9 - 14th April 2014


New WebRes Content Management system  (/admin section). The  WebRes admin section should now be a lot easier and intuitive to use.

Modified the way WebRes deals with t28\t3 tour setting discounts if discounts aren't fully setup with both a discount value and type.

Fixes to Balance Payment transactions when using multiple t3 data sets\companies.

Modified the WireCard payment system to allow web payments be refunded in t28\t3.


Updated existing Google Analytic to their new Google Analytic's' Universal' system. Note: the new Universal improvements only become active if switched on in Google Analytic's against the account. This needs to be requested unless you have control of your account.


Compulsory passenger options are now selected by default


An extra feed resend web service is now available for door2tour


Small tweak to the door2tour config to update it to the live url


Booking process lead passenger address page - have added a make permanent address tick for end users


Slight amendment to the Affiliate Window tracking system


When creating or modifying tabs an extra flag is available called can now be ticked called 'Avoid Indexing'. This tells Google and other search engines to ignore the page when indexing a website


Fixes to the advancedsearch5 promo code price showing incorrectly


Modifications to advancedsearch5 to round prices down to nearest pence


Increased the field length allowed for Brochure names in the Brochure module


Performance improvements across many aspects of using search results in WebRes


Canonical link support for Google and other search engines for websites that use ssl (https) certificates