WebRes 6 Logo

We're delighted to announce the release of WebRes 6!

WebRes 6 Dashboard

We've been hard at work developing this year and this is a major update for WebRes 5 customers and to buck the trend of previous major WebRes releases - this will be completely free to you!

We know it's been a very stressful and trying year for the industry and so we're giving you this update completely free - call it a thanks for being a loyal and greatly valued customer. So to confirm, there is no charge for the WebRes 6 upgrade software or for the time it takes us to update your website - this one's completely on us.

We want to ensure our customers have the best tools available to get the most out of WebRes when bookings start to return to normal and to give you the edge online.

WebRes 6 comes with a completely re-imagined Content Management System (CMS) along with major new features to further cement WebRes as the leading E-Commerce website suite for Coach Tour Operators.

We've created a new WebRes 6 Overview Video here - we hope you'll agree it looks amazing:

WebRes 6 Overview

We'll be adding more in depth videos over the next few days so please keep an eye on our YouTube Channel here:


The Full release notes are here:

WebRes 6 - Full Version Notes

...and our Facebook and twitter feeds are here:

Our Facebook Page

Our twitter Page

We'll automatically update your Website over the next few weeks and we may contact you to gain access to your t28/t3 servers for a few minutes as part of this, so please expect a call from us if required.

If you have any questions then please feel free to contact the WebRes Team.